Demanding loyalty | Steve Dennis on
It seems rather natural to want loyalty. Maybe sometimes we even crave it or desperately feel as if we need it. From our employees. From our customers. From our friends or partner.
But as the boss, we shouldn’t think we have loyalty when conformance with our agenda–or praise from a parade of sycophants–is engendered out of fear of humiliation or termination.
As brand leaders, we shouldn’t claim we have loyal customers when the primary reason they buy our product is because we bribe them with endless discounts.
As someone in a personal relationship, we might deservedly expect loyalty, but if we only feel it exists when we threaten negative consequences we are merely kidding ourselves.
Loyalty is an emotion. And when deeply felt it can lead to our getting what we desire.
Loyalty is earned. Over time, through remarkable, relevant and consistent actions that build trust.
Demand loyalty all you want. If you aren’t getting it, don’t waste your time blaming your employees, customers or loved ones.
Our work is to get real, get accountable, and yes, get vulnerable. Loyalty is available to those that do the work and earn it.
Originally published at on June 15, 2017.